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Election 2018 – My Point of View

My friends have been asking me lately that what is my take on outcome of #Election2018 #Pakistan. Some are wondering whose side I am on exactly.

Well! To start with, let it be clear that I am for Pakistan. A Pakistan free of chaos and poverty and injustice and corruption. A politically aware Pakistan.

Now that this is out of the way. What is my opinion on outcome of the election held in Pakistan in 2018?
 I remember writing about General Elections in Pakistan in 2013 before the elections actually took place ( and predicted that #PML-N would emerge as winner and that they would be strongly challenged by #PTI. Which, more or less, turned out to be right. This time around, I did not predict but rather decided to wait and see.

I believed that PML-N win, although with a very thin majority, was on the cards until sudden turn of events when PML-N leadership started to fall one by one, in cases and instances which were largely snubbed in the past when it came to political leadership of mainstream parties in Pakistan. At the same time, leadership of PPP was exonerated in more or less similar cases.  A scenario started emerging long before the elections were held that the chess board is being laid out in such a way to ensure that Imran Khan’s PTI emerge as a winner.

Imran Khan was the Prime Minster of Pakistan in making two to three years ago by domestic and International “King Makers”. The table did not turn for PML-N in recent months. The writing on the wall was very clear for them starting from infamous and notorious “Dharna” Circus. It seemed that it was a failed coup by Imran Khan and his allies but in fact the seed was sown at that very time. It was a stunt to bring Imran Khan in political lime light domestically and internationally by successfully manipulating electronic media (remember 24/7 live broadcasts?).

Yet I remained very optimistic (and foolishly so) until the very day of election that the forces who believe in free and fair elections will somehow counter the moves of “King Makers” and that the sanity will prevail. Alas! It was not to be.

Now that the election results are announced and Imran Khan is actually becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan, there is very little that we can do about it given the justice system we have in Pakistan. Therefore, we, Pakistanis, have to live with this debacle for at least next 2 to 3 years.

Don’t get me wrong here, I am not against Imran Khan or his followers. I always believed that someday IK will become prime minister of Pakistan. I was very much in favor of him and I also believed that with his principles, determination and his slogan for justice will earn him this position someday. He was on the right track. The progress was painfully slow, but hey! His vision was revolutionary and revolutions does not happen overnight.

He did fall out of my favor the day he started ditching his very principals and slogans, taking on board the same elite he stood against, started accepting turncoats in his party being electables’, applying the same dirty tactics to spread chaos being practiced in Pakistani politics for a long time. The list is long. (

Imran Khan simply got impatient, accepted and sought acceleration to his expedition to power. He simply ignored the fact that by doing this he is simply letting go the real power he would have yielded if he had waited.

The “King Makers” on the other hand ensured that the real power stays in their hands. For them, Imran Khan was an eventuality and a threat to their authority. They counted the threat very successfully.

Imagine if Imran Khan had waited, stayed on the righteous path, declined turncoats like Shaikh Rashid and opportunists like him, defied elite. He would have been free of strings. No key positions for parties who have no standing among Pakistanis as a whole (PML-Q etc.), Less or even no dictation from establishment how he wanted to forge his foreign policy, no blackmailing by his now allies (MQM) on key economic projects (Kala Bagh Dam). The list is endless. But Alas! Imran Khan got impatient.

For whom who think that I sounded like all is lost, take a breather, not all is lost. I remember saying this to my acquaintance very close to #AsadUmar once, that if I still have any favor left for PTI, this is because of Asad Umar. I believe that he is one of the very few who can do some good for Pakistan and Imran Khan.
So there it is! I am for Pakistan.

Muhammad Ali
August 14, 2018
Isfahan, Iran


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