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Osama Bin Laden and Pakistani Security & Intelligence Agencies

Waking up on morning of May 2nd only to learn that we will have to face utter embarrassment and shame for years and years to come as a nation. It’s been almost three days since Americans challenged the sovereignty of Pakistan, entered in Pakistan without the knowledge of Pakistani Security agencies, killed and took the body of Osama Bin Laden, yet no one from our government or security agencies are ready to comment clearly and answer Pakistani People. We are being mocked around the world for our categorical denial that Osama was not in Pakistan, yet to find out that he was living for years right under the nose of Pakistan Army's biggest and premium training facility. What a shame. ISI stands to the day the most powerful Intelligence Agency in the world, yet they were sleeping when it happened.

Where do we stand today after a loss of 30000 lives on American war on terror, our economy is in teeters, our people and suffering and yet we are being cursed today? It’s just because of the failure of our security agencies, the holy cows.  

I have questions to ask, if they will be answered ever by anyone.

Is it that ISI and Pakistan Army were not aware of the fact that Osama was in Pakistan or they were actually providing him shelter to keep him safe. Even if they were providing him shelter, is it not their incompetence that the CIA not only located but killed Osama without them knowing.

Why are we feeding our Army and other security agencies if we had to see this day only? They jammed our radar facilities to get in and get out successfully. We have been feeding these security forces on expense of well being of people of Pakistan and yet they failed to deliver when it really mattered.  

Time for a revolution???


salmanshami said…
I agreed that its big failure all is not this. ISI is one of the best intelligence agency in the world. This army beat Russia in the past.
Now Pakistan position is very difficult. Undeclared war is imposed on us by Usa. We have to follow their orders or have to ready to become Afghanistan or Iraq. We have to give shelter to our friends. Do not forget that Cia have the best technology. Still our F16 were in the air to respond. Any one can understand what would happen at that time. So it was difficult decision to attack them.
The attacks on mosques on army on police are very much understandable who they are. It is fact they have the driving seat and we are their dependent.

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