I am living outside Pakistan due to my job requirements. It's only the online resources that are keeping me updated about my country. Being a Pakistan,i I understand the context of so many events happening in Pakistan. I understand the context of ongoing instability in Northern regions of Pakistan, the situation in Baluchistan, the Afghanistan Factor, Political dimensions and their effects on general public. Despite having knowledge of the context in understanding the situation, I myself get confused sometime and it makes me think if I my evaluation of situation is wrong and whether the events are leading to a better Pakistan or worse. Having Said that, I wonder that what picture of Pakistan are being perceived by the people who are interested in international politics with concerns over so called war on terror; where no background information and context available to them. I am sure online resources are not helping Pakistan in depicting the situation even nearer to be satisfactory and building an image of being a near to failure state with no rule of law at all.
My question is, isn’t this a situation to be worried about by the leaders of Pakistan, specially the one in the power? What message are we giving to the rest of the world and what feedback is resulting? We have been even hearing the very dark and gloomy picture drawn by the western media that Pakistan would cease to be a state and part into three different countries. What else are they waiting to hear?
I would say that the time is now to respond and respect the general public opinion in Pakistan and sacrifice the lust of power and greed carried by the ruler of Pakistan. He has been promising the betterment in the situation in Pakistan for last 8 years and nothing seems to be working, we are still on a slide to the worst.
God save My Pakistan.
Muhammad Ali
My question is, isn’t this a situation to be worried about by the leaders of Pakistan, specially the one in the power? What message are we giving to the rest of the world and what feedback is resulting? We have been even hearing the very dark and gloomy picture drawn by the western media that Pakistan would cease to be a state and part into three different countries. What else are they waiting to hear?
I would say that the time is now to respond and respect the general public opinion in Pakistan and sacrifice the lust of power and greed carried by the ruler of Pakistan. He has been promising the betterment in the situation in Pakistan for last 8 years and nothing seems to be working, we are still on a slide to the worst.
God save My Pakistan.
Muhammad Ali