We being Pakistanis are always emotionally charged when it comes to politics, charged to the extent that any reasoning becomes beyond us. We put our loyalties and hatred to a specific political leadership and accept them wholesomely. Once we decide to like or dislike a political leadership, we make them somehow divine creatures. A leader is an angel and the reset demons, One is saint and all others sinners. We even start living on polars and make it our mission to defend and attack, depends who is who with our hearts and souls.
Imran Khan, when stepped into Pakistani politics, it was felt that he is a fresh change in long running two party political game. He did take his time building his reputation as a brave, man of principals sort. Everyone thought he is that chosen one who would bring about positive and constructive change in Pakistani Politics.
He stood firm on his principals for some time. But once he gained the position of political divinity among considerable size of people of Pakistan ( or so he thought foolishly). He decided to play divine. He thought that his deeds will shape the principals, let them be moral, political or religious.
He started welcoming the politicians under his wings, who, at one point, represented the very class he stood against. And that was the start of downfall of his so called political divinity. People like me saw it as a betrayal. But as he was divine (or so he thought), he was already reached to a point of no return as shiny armor of power was glittering just ahead ( again!.. or so he thought) to rise him one step up from divinity. He decided to play the traditional politics and got his hands dirty by playing only into the hands of some (everyone who has some sense of Pakistani Politics would know what and who am I referring to) who had wider political agenda of their own in Pakistan.
Once he realized that he has been played, it was too late. His so called political divinity slid at increased pace and size of followers started to shrink and others who were still in the state of confusion started asking questions to come into terms as to what had happened. Today there are more doubters than those who are believers in his party.
The good thing which come out of this is that people started to understand that no one is divine in politics nor is anyone an angel. But some, I must say, still think that he is the one. I would only request them to open their eyes and see clearly. I do not and shall not urge them to disassociate themselves with Imran Khan but ask not to give him a position he do not deserve and ask questions on his wrongdoings and betrayals rather than defending him blindly.
Now the news which forced me write this is the fake degree of Reham Khan, wife of Imran Khan. It really disappointed me to see how some people are defending the lie with no reason and purely on emotions. Let's admit that most of the the people surrounding Imran Khan are indeed fake and somehow corrupt.
Why it is a big news for me? It's Just that I think that to be politically divine one has to have a moral high ground and firm standing of one's principals, without them you are just another person let alone a politician.
If one has a position where he or she can potentially influence and bring about positive change, he or she should be courageous enough to admit mistakes, to be transparent and truthful to retain that moral high ground.
Muhammad Ali
Doha, State of Qatar
Wednesday July 15, 2015.