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2013 Review

This is December 31, 2013, end of yet another year, stricken off of my life calender or better to say it this way, I have lived yet another year. 

I wanted to first review my resolutions for year 2013, but somehow i forgot what they were, just as i did last year and years before, I remember, however, that I committed myself to some for sure.well! resolutions are to be forgotten i guess! Therefore, better leave them that way.

Lot happened in this year but the highlight of all was Arts Management and Leadership course that i participated in. Something which, after years and years, broke the stagnation and brought some waves along in my life. It was quite a fulfilling experience. I have always put this course as a journey to self. A journey where i have met my real self, realized my potentials and shortcomings, saw myself from a different lens, from a different perspective, through the eyes of the others and most of all, i allowed myself to be judged. No hidings, no falsification, let myself open honestly and let myself be judged. 

What i learned about myself? things like! "Its not a 10, I don't need to understand it it perfectly in order to act..." and "answer always; what is good enough?" I also learned that i have been rating myself below par, a fact which let me down on so many occasions. I have to act as who i am and not what I needed to be seen or judged by the others. In short, lessons are learnt, the important thing is, i have to remember them and apply them from this point on. 

This year have been a blessed one in a sense that lots of my wishes come true, some of which were long overdue. My parents visited us in Qatar, stayed with us for some weeks. It was a bonding time and a cherished one. It was some of few occasions in my past few years, where i was able to serve them and collect their blessings. 

when in comes to relationships, I was also able to reconnect myself with some long lost ones. It was an amazing experience to travel back in time and getting all nostalgic. It was worth it. I lost some in this year as well. I do not know if losing them was worth it, only time will tell. However, there are some relations which are not meant to be broken, not at any cost. I personally caused strains in some of those and that hurts a lot. I regret my foolish and selfish acts and i shall do my utmost to restore the strength and sanctity of these relations. Being a husband, I was honest and loving, a thought which can only be endorsed by my wife. We build onto our mutual trust and were understanding, providing space to each other when we needed it most and to me,  this is the key to a successful relationship. 

Work was same this year. I would not say it was boring but i must say that it was less challenging, there were some days when i felt really disappointed in me or others but on average it was not a bad year at all. I am anticipating and hoping to move upwards in next coming year and that hopefully will bring more rewards personally, professionally and financially. 

In the end, i must mention that this year is ending with ever lasting memories of my visit to UK. It was such an amazing visit. A friend provided an opportunity to stay in the heart of UK, where i get to have true flavor of the country and enjoyed it to the max. I cannot thank her enough for that.

At the end i would say this, it was quite an experience to know me and finally see me alive against my own self.    

Good Bye 2013! You will be remembered!!

Muhammad Ali
December 31, 2013
Doha, Qatar




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