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Living In Bubbles

Living In Bubbles Most of us live in bubbles and bubbles are all but durable, vulnerable is the word synonym to bubbles. Prey mostly to external dynamics, bubbles can burst at any given moment. 

People living in bubbles, I think, although as vulnerable as their dwellings are, they do not share same situations, feelings and emotions; rather have different and varied states. It all depends where the bubble is, floating in the air, high or low; resting on the ground and if on the ground; where on the ground and, most of all, how well aware people are where they are. It is an irony to me that people living in bubbles, floating high, think they are the fortunate ones. Well! Soaring high is a good thing, it always has been, however, these people tend to forget that such elevations are not realized through their own wings but mostly because of and subject to external dynamics. They live most part of their lives structuring their bubbles rather than growing their wings. To me it is not just ironic but unfortunate. Why I think so? I think so because the moment their bubble will burst, it will be a free fall, direction and speed of which is absolutely out of their grasp, and not to mention the impact once they would hit the ground. They might survive but they would never live again. 

This does not necessarily mean that the people living in bubbles resting on the ground are better off, but, I think, they are slightly gainful. Although, more vulnerable and exposed to external dynamics than that of floating ones, at least they would find their feet on ground once their bubble will burst. What is disadvantageous for these people is that they are static. Happy may be, they do not have desire to change, to move, to run, to explore.

Among the people living in the bubbles, a very few of them, are fortunate enough that their bubble will burst at an ideal time either to get them to a higher ground, where they can land on their own feet or just about the right time on ground when there is an open space for them to move, run and explore freely. 

Having said that, I also believe that bursting of bubbles for these few fortunate ones, almost never occur by chance, but through their own endeavors to secure their bubble until the ideal time arrives for its bursting. 

I wonder though, why do we construct these bubbles and why do we live in them? Why can’t we grow our wings and legs to soar and to run on our own? Even a bigger question for me is if we could ever escape those bubbles?


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