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This entry is in connection with my daily experience with three stray cats who happen to come at our backyard in search of food.

Once i felt that these cats are at my backyard everyday, i started to buy cat food and feed them everyday. All three of them have different behavior. One is grey haired and perhaps the most innocent one. This one comes at a specific time and sit among the plants and wait for me. As and when i open the door, she jumps out and come near the door, i would pour food and there she goes, start eating, once finished she would leave without even looking back. Somehow, i always expected a look saying thank you but it never happened.

The second one is black and white, ugly! i would say, this one only come in when i actually open the door and be out in my backyard for more than two minutes, she would climb down to water tank in our backyard and then in front of my study room window and then down on the floor, but while she is on water tank, she would look straight to me as if making sure that i know that she is there. Once on floor she would hide behind water pump and wait. She would not come out until i go near that spot, pour food and get back to the door. She would wait a little more and than come out and start eating. Once finished, she would look at me again as if thanking me for the food and then come sit among the plants for some time and then leave.

The third one is a tom. Golden haired, very friendly. He comes not too often. But whenever he sees me out in the backyard, he would jump from the wall straight to the floor, come right next to me and start meowing. Even if i am not in a mood to go in and get the food, he makes me do it being consistent in meowing. Eats his food and come next to me and say thanks whirling around me while i am looking after the plants and then goes.

Sometimes it happens that we are out of cat food, but once anyone of them is there, i have to get some chicken meat, which my wife buys in bulk, out of our freezer and feed them. I dont feel like turn them away hungry.

Now why did i write this!! I don't know, but i was thinking that if a human is forced to feed stray cats even when out of cat food. He would arrange it somehow feeling bad that cats might get hurt, without any prejudice, without them being thankful, making it a priority. if only we could have same
relationship with Allah, i don't think that Allah would ever turn us down for our needs. We just have
to be like one of those stray cats, is it too difficult for us?

Muhammad Ali
July 16, 2013


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